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Dec 2

Exams are over 😔, results were a significant setback to my already not so smooth college life. I miss the thrill of studying during JEE prep. Then I studied because I liked to but now I study only for passing the exam. No subject is a forte of mine now. God knows what IIT-I has more to offer. It is just like that the state of my mind is not on the same page with the college learning process. Many are feeling likewise. Other reason may be that previously, results were directly proportional to your efforts but now instead they're like efforts to the power one fifth.
I have to stay in the campus till all the answer papers are shown. I've found solace in badminton until then. One side of the earphones paralyzed today <sed lyf>.
Yesterday went to Indore for a quick trip with friends. Every time someone enquires of place worth sightseeing more I realize that Indore has nothing to offer except food. I also got to use Pixel 2 devices in T.I. Google is really trying to set their foot firmly in India this time. India was one of the first seven countries where Pixel 2 devices were available just after the launch. The keynote speakers were half Indian. Not on the pixel front but rest they're really doing well. Mercury is dropping. Perfect environment for hibernation. Gotta go now for dinner.
